Friday, July 15, 2011


            What a trip!  After four flights and nearly 24 hours of travel, we arrived safely back home in Grand Rapids last night.  We spent the last few days in Copenhagen with a friend of Jess's family, Laudi, and stayed with her friend, Leena.   Neither of us had been to Europe before (or at least out of the airport) so this visit was an amazing way to wrap up the trip!  These past few days gave us some time to reflect, debrief, and treat ourselves a little after a very busy month in Ghana. 

          The last week in Ghana was crunched with going over details with James, meeting with a few more professionals, and, of course, jewelry shopping.  On one of the last days, we traveled four hours up north (of which was supposed to take two hours...) to go to Ghana's largest bead market.  This place was filled with every kind of hand-made bead you could imagine.   Arriving with only a half hour until it closed, we went a little crazy trying to choose beads from the million of designs they had. We plan on using the beads to make jewelry for future fundraising.  (If you're interested, please let us know!:))

      Looking back on this trip, everything turned out so much better than we expected.  We feel so blessed to have been able to collaborate with such amazing people and are so excited to take the next step in the project.  In the next few days, we are taking some time to gather ourselves together and will be right back to work on the project early next week.  In the next month, we have a lot of fundraisers to plan and proposals to write.  Thanks to everyone who has helped make this trip and project possible!  It has been quite the journey!

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